Hello all. I haven't done the follow Friday for a couple weeks, and I've missed it. It's just fun to meet new bloggers, and hear from the followers I already have. I think I also missed answering the weekly question.
"How do you spread the word about your blog?
(e.g. Social Networking sites, Book Blog Directories, comments on other blogs...)"
I think like a lot of people I didn't know how to spread the word about my blog. It was actually something that I started on myspace for my friends and then moved over to blogger, so I wasn't thinking about trying to get a lot of followers. When I moved over to blogger I started to think it would be great to maybe have a few more readers. I didn't know what to do. I thought the best way would be to follow other blogs that were like mine. I couldn't find very many through web searches. Then I found the book blogs ning which really got the ball rolling. I was able to really find a community of blogs that were like mine. I joined groups and started to try to make friends. I have to say though the best thing I done to spread the word about my blog is this Follow Friday post. It gives you so many opportunities to contact people and let them contact you.

Yay! Parajunkee's Follow Friday. I've been a follower of the featured blog this week for awhile. Books With Bite is a lovely blog you should run over and check it out is you haven't already. Keep it shiny!
I think I first found your awesome blog with Follow Friday, now that I think about it.
Hi, Just hopping by!
I don't really publicise my blog on any social network site. Happy blog hopping/folowing!
Here is my post! I am a very serious eclectic reader. I follow blogs I like via google reader too!
Hi Jazz, I think I begged and pleaded with friends to follow my blog at first! I find that the Book Blogger Hop really increased readership so I am very thankful to Jennifer.
Hope you have something fun planned for the weekend, Bonnie
Hello, I'm stopping by from the blog hop and Follow Friday. I'm glad to have your little spot in the WWW. Looks like a great place to be. I'm a new follower so I look forward to reading more from you and your reading adventures.
Happy Friday!
The Book Scoop
Just over from hop. I love that you've been reviewing short stories. I don't see that on a lot of other blogs.
Have a great weekend!
Sarah @ Loving Books
Hi, dropping in from the hop and FF. New follower. Going to check out your reviews, etc. Like your header. Have a great weekend.
Adorable Header!!!!
New follower here!
Yeah, when I started blogging, it was for myself, to keep track of all these danged books I read, LOL. I've since dragged my friends into it :)
I think this hop might be the most effective promotional device there is!
Check out my Book Blogger Hop, Follow Friday and Giveaway HERE!!
Found your blog on the book blog hop, hopping by! Hope you're having a fantastic weekend!
First-time visitor...like your header......just hopping by...hope you are having fun in the hop.
Stop by my blog if you like to see how I get the word out:
Jazz - I know you are busy with dance and all, but I have an award for you on my blog!
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