Feb 7, 2011

Short Story of The Week (26) - How To Talk To Girls

Story Title: How To Talk To Girls
From: Fragile Things
Author: Neil Gaiman


A young teen and his friend find themselves at a party of female tourists who behave as if they are from another planet. Maybe they are from another planet after all.

Favorite Line

"You wouldn't want to make a universe angry. I bet an angry universe would look at you with eyes like that."

My Thoughts

I must have started and stopped six stories before deciding on How To Talk To Girls. Nothing was really catching my eye until I saw the title of this one. I don't know why but the title amused me. I didn't know what to expect from it, but when do you ever know what to expect when you start a Neil story. I totally didn't see the alien thing coming. The reference to the girls being from another world is pretty veiled, it's very obvious what they are. Though what exactly they are trying to do on their little visit to earth, is still a bit of a mystery even at the end of the story. I got the idea that it wasn't something good.

 I love the way the main character thought. He related many of his thoughts to things he has seen and music he'd heard. I found that interesting. I found the way the girls in the book spoke very intriguing and poetic. How To Talk To Girls was weird, but in a good way. Although after reaching the end I kind of wished it had a sequel.

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