Jul 30, 2011

My Epic Reading Adventures: Missing In Action and Youtube beautiful-evil

Chapter 10: Missing In Action and Youtube is Beautiful-evil

I was totally M.I.A this week. Sorry loves. I was having some nervous system issues and thought it best to just relax and put my focus on reading this week. I have some new vitamin supplements now so I'm feeling much better today. Plus, I made a cool discovery. Reading actually helps your nervous system heath. How cool is that? Doing puzzles helps too. Which is great because I love reading and doing puzzles. I also got intrigued with other non-writing things this week. I don't know if I told you guys this but I'm teaching myself how to play the banjo. I got surprisingly involved with practicing that and my guitar this week. Playing music really helped me relax. 

Oh, I should have made a new blogging I will not rule. I should not get overly involved with watching stuff on Youtube. Youtube is so beautiful and yet so evil. It sucks you in until you just keep watching one video after the other. I must admit I got sucked into it a lot this week instead of writing. Bad me. My friend and I did enjoy watching some quite hilarious Hunger Games parody videos this week. My personal favorite being the song I've posted below. Ha ha!

Even thought I didn't write a lot this week I still read. I actually read the graphic novel Death: The Cost of Living in one day and didn't get to post that I was reading it. I finished The Gunslinger too. Very exciting. I'm fully aware I still need to post my book review. As you can see time got away from me. I'm almost done with it. I should have it up by Monday night or Tuesday morning, if not earlier. I'm glad that I'm back in the writing game. I missed you guys.

Progress Report

Number of Books Completed This Week: 2
Total Book Completed This Year: 27
Number of Books Left to Complete: 73
New Primary Book Chosen: A Wind In The Door
Miscellaneous Comments: I still need to pick one more primary read. I actually got too many choices and I can't decide which one I want. On one hand I kind of want to read The Vampire Diaries: The Struggle on the other hand I'm thinking I want to read one of the books I've been sent to review. Hmm...I'm not sure. So many books so little time. 


LoriStrongin said...

Glad to hear you're feeling a little better. And no doubt that reading can help heal both the mind and the body!

Feel better soon!!!!


Bonnie said...

You are right...so many books, so little time! Glad to hear you are feeling better.
